
Saturday, April 01, 2006

just thought i'd post a bit even though i don't have any new exciting craft pictures to add on. luke and i went to the coast with his parents and had a wonderful time of card games, beach walks and too much booze. i did a bit of knitting but haven't finished the keyhole scarf i'm working on. i wish all the blog people lived near each other so we could all hang out and inspire each other and annoy each other and just plain be around each other more often. too many people in my friend circle here are doing way too many drugs right now and i'm over it. even though i don't hang out that much, it's still depressing. i like being addicted to knitting. it's much cheaper and doesn't make you into a sneaky creepshow. okay, i've ranted, sorry for the minimal punctuation and the copious run on sentences. do crafts, not lines! maybe i'll make a t-shirt.


At 10:32 AM, Blogger hardcori said...

I love it, too! I also wish we all lived in the same place. I'm still calling for a desert exodus! .....and I would totally wear a "do crafts not lines" t shirt. or even an "addicted to knitting" one.....

At 11:23 AM, Blogger hardcori said...

i'm down with craft fest! lest do it.


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